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Wi-Vi Technology Fabulous or Dangerous

Using WiFi to "see through walls" and follow community when they're moving could be a fresh feature on your new smartphone, if MIT researchers contain their technique with a low-cost method of tracking relying on the wireless connectivity cooked up in their labs. The scheme, dubbed Wi-Vi, repurposes WiFi in a parallel method to sonar or radar, pinging out radio waves and then tracking how they're bounce back. Since WiFi can go by through walls, so Wi-Vi can give a quick look of what's happening throughout barriers, albeit with a few limitations.

For the rest of us, just as action gaming technologies similar to Kinect and Wii have taken off, thus the Wi-Vi team believes there's scope for the scanning method in games and entertainment. That can include controller that can see "through" other group of players, or that don't
have full line-of view.


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